The film saw a nett collection of approximately Rs. 26 crore over its first weekend. It did a business of about Rs. 7.4 crore on Friday but racked up footfalls over the weekend. The occupancy went up and so did the jingle of money at the cash registers. The collections rose to Rs. 8.7 crore on Saturday and peaked at Rs. 10 crore on Sunday.
The critics have given mixed views about the film, but what matters for the makers at the end of the day is the numbers the film manages to crunch. If MBKD continues its run like this, it is on its way to be a hit, if not a superhit.
Meanwhile, Salman Khan’s Bodyguard continues to pull crowds to the theatres, though the craze surrounding the film has now substantially subsided. The film has so far done the business of just a little less than a whopping Rs. 130 crore.
The coming Friday would see the release of Shahid Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor’s Mausam. It is also expected to open well.
The critics have given mixed views about the film, but what matters for the makers at the end of the day is the numbers the film manages to crunch. If MBKD continues its run like this, it is on its way to be a hit, if not a superhit.
Meanwhile, Salman Khan’s Bodyguard continues to pull crowds to the theatres, though the craze surrounding the film has now substantially subsided. The film has so far done the business of just a little less than a whopping Rs. 130 crore.
The coming Friday would see the release of Shahid Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor’s Mausam. It is also expected to open well.
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